vegan Archive
What’s more reminiscent of the holidays than chocolate? We’ve got 3 easy gluten-free and vegan recipes to get you in the holiday mood (and probably get you more than a little hungry), all using Enjoy Life Foods‘ gluten-free and dairy-free chocolate …
As any vegan knows, sometimes things can get a little challenging - and other time, you can’t imagine not being on a vegan diet. Sometimes the only thing for it is to take to social media. Read on for some …
1. A lot of foods that you think are vegan are probably not vegan. Orange juice is a no-go. Yep, seriously. 2. Meat and cheese isn’t the only way to get protein, okay? Like freakin’ peanut butter. Jealous yet? 3. …
1. They look down on everyone who eats animal products. While veganism means consciously choosing to eliminate all animal products from your diet, that doesn’t mean every vegan is going to guilt everyone around them for eating a string …
1. Because WAFFLES. Flickr user 2. Heaven, thy name is vegan lasagna. Flickr user Lablascovegmenu It’s 10 am and I want this. 3. Excuse me while I go snuggle up under a blanket and eat this for days. …
1. People will always be surprised at what you can’t eat. Does it have Worcestershire sauce? Then nope. 2. Animal products are like, really sneaky. Oy, they use fish bladder in Guinness? Seriously?! 3. Someone will always tell …
Contrary to popular belief, being vegan doesn’t mean your diet has to be 100% carrot sticks and beans. There are plenty of ways to use a natural and delicious vegan substitute in your favorite recipes that taste so good …
1. When someone offers you a slice of three-cheese pizza: That’s funny. You’re funny. Look at me laughing. 2. After realizing the only vegan option on the menu at a restaurant is an appetizer salad: Man cannot live on lettuce …
Anyone who’s made the choice to go on a vegan diet knows that it usually comes with a lot of questions from non-vegans who just don’t quite get it. 1. So wait, you can’t have ANY cheese? It’s made from cows, right? …
August 4 is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, which to me means that I deserve no side eye for eating an entire batch. It’s for America, okay? There are a lot of different CCC lovers out there, just as there …