Anyone who’s made the choice to go on a vegan diet knows that it usually comes with a lot of questions from non-vegans who just don’t quite get it.
1. So wait, you can’t have ANY cheese?
It’s made from cows, right? Well, those are animals…so…no.
2. Are you hungry like, all the time?
No. Because I eat food.
3. So how often do you eat tofu?
Sometimes. I also eat pasta sometimes, or salad. Or sandwiches. Just like you probably do.
4. Is that all you’re having?
Yes, because this is what I eat.
5. No cheese at all?
6. But ice cream doesn’t count, right?
7. Where do you even shop for food?
At…the grocery store. Or I order sweet snacks from Love With Food.
8. Okay but it’s not like, an allergy or something, so you could eat a hamburger if you really wanted to, right?
I am physically capable of that, yes. But according to this life choice, no.
9. What do you order in restaurants?
…food. Just like everyone else.
10. So when are you going back to a normal diet?
…this is a normal diet. It’s a lifestyle, actually.
Do you have any other questions everyone on a vegan diet is tired of hearing? Share them in the comments below!