Quizzes Archive
Everyone’s entitled to their opinions, even about food - some of them are just weirder than others. Some foods that certain people wouldn’t touch with a 10-foot pole might be someone else’s favorite thing ever. So take our quiz to …
Everyone loves looking at photos of delicious food. Heck, it’s what makes commercials for restaurants get us so hungry. But what if you had to take a REALLY close look at your food. Would you still be able to tell …
While counting the calories in food isn’t by any means the only way to judge how healthy a food is, it’s always a big factor when deciding whether or not to treat yo’self. But when it comes down to comparing …
We all agree that food is delicious. What we don’t all agree on is how to eat it. We’ve all experienced that shock and even anger when we see someone eating a food just…wrong! And they probably think that they …
There are very few things that can make it obvious where a person is from in the U.S. than food - specifically, what they call it. People around the country use some very different words to describe the same food …
Every state has that one signature food that inspires its people to fight for hours over who “owns” it - and they’re 100% confident that no other place in the world makes it like they do. You all know what …
So you call yourself a foodie? Let’s find out. This quiz will challenge all your obscure food facts knowledge, so proceed if you dare! Then challenge your friends and see how they measure up! Want your own monthly box of …
Sometimes you just need a little inspiration when it gets to dinnertime, am I right? Well rather than waste time trying to logically figure it out based on what groceries you have, let fate decide! And once you’ve got your answer, …
You love chocolate. We love chocolate. It’s no surprise. But for how universal the love for chocolate is, how much do you REALLY know about your favorite treat? If you call yourself an expert, prove it and take our …
It’s quiz time! We want to see how well you know the facts about what it’s like being gluten-free. And no cheating! Take the quiz and see how well you do. Challenge your friends and see how you stack up!