1. People will always be surprised at what you can’t eat.
Does it have Worcestershire sauce? Then nope.
2. Animal products are like, really sneaky.
Oy, they use fish bladder in Guinness? Seriously?!
3. Someone will always tell you that you can “cheat just this once.”
No, I can’t. That’s the point.
You know what feels like cheating but isn’t? A Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bar by Larabar.
6. Yeah, some things won’t taste the same if you make them vegan.
7. But other things will still taste awesome.
Guess what’s vegan and still tastes great? Pie…Fruity Pie.
4. You’ll always get some people rolling their eyes when you tell them about your diet.
Whatever, you do you man.
5. When the menu has the little symbols marking what’s vegan it’s like heaven has blessed your dining experience.
Yessssss no awkward looks from waiters tonight.
8. There are some truly awesome vegan recipes out there.
9. Going out anyplace where there’s food can be rough.
*Sips water while everyone eats bacon-wrapped shrimp*
(Yo, just bring a bag of Wasabi Roasted Broad Beans along and you can still party with the rest of ’em.)
10. You can do this. You got this.
Be proud of who you are.
What was it like for you the first year you went on a vegan diet? Tell us in the comments below!