1. A lot of foods that you think are vegan are probably not vegan.
Orange juice is a no-go. Yep, seriously.
2. Meat and cheese isn’t the only way to get protein, okay?
Like freakin’ peanut butter. Jealous yet?
3. Just because being vegan is voluntary doesn’t mean I can just forget it whenever I want ice cream.
4. I know that you don’t “get” why I’m vegan, but your eye rolling is not going to suddenly change my mind.
Because my life choices don’t depend on whether you approve or not. Surprise!
5. I can make/still eat vegan baked goods that blow yours out of the water.
Oh thanks man, glad you liked those cookies GUESS WHAT SUCKA THEY WERE VEGAN! LOLOL
Don’t believe me? These Chocolate Macaroons by Hail Merry are 100% vegan and 100% delicious.
6. No, showing me a picture of a burger is not going to make me sad.
I’m not…punishing myself…by eating vegan. So, yeah. I’m good.
7. I’m not going to start screaming at you about how you’re morally evil to not eat vegan. Don’t worry.
But I know a few of those vegans if you’d like to be introduced?
8. If you’ve never had tofu, you can’t possibly say you don’t like it.
Are you…afraid of it or something?
9. Yep, I’m good. I’m not exhausted just because I don’t eat meat.
5-mile hike? No problem. I’ve got these Garlic and Onion Broad Beans by Enlightened so don’t even worry about me.
10. Why yes, I am happy with this choice. So there.
What are some other things vegans always have to explain to non-vegans? Tell us in the comments below!