Health Archive
Often when we eat because of our feelings (I’m SOOO STRESSED!) or perceive certain desires as food “cravings,” it’s a direct result of stress. But other times, when we’ve written off diving head-first into a Cup O’ Noodles (and every …
Diet trends come and go, but there are always a few rules that stand the test of time: Eat more fruits and veggies, eat less sugar, don’t ever grocery shop when hungry. We’ve got one more to add to your …
The best things in life aren’t free - well, not fat-free. There’s nothing quite like the taste of our favorite foods, but many of those tend to be not so good for those New Year’s resolutions. Luckily with a few …
People go on gluten-free diets for a lot of reasons - and while many of them do it for actual health reasons, others…don’t. Anyone who knows people on a gluten-free diet has probably met one (or all) of these types. …
They say good things come in small packages. And in the case of sunflower seeds, they’re definitely on to something! Not only do these crunchy little seeds have that addictive taste that keeps you coming back for more, but they’re …
K the G-Free Foodie gets so many questions about ingredient substitutions for both food allergies and for health reasons - mostly cutting calories. Real butter is one of her favorite things, but it’s one of the ingredients she most often …
Fat is such an ugly word. Or at least that’s what we’re taught to believe from the time we’re old enough to consider these things. The media tells us we should strive for slender and avoid the F-word, but the …
We’re totally obsessed right now with the Lemon Zest Mini by Luna Bar. I mean, who needs a candy bar when you can pack this in your purse or kid’s lunch bag for a tasty ending to any meal or …
Chances are your midnight snack isn’t something you plan. It just sort of, uh, happens, right? Well, how fair is that? You think about eating protein at breakfast, pack yourself a well-balanced lunch and stress to get dinner on time at seven. …
Sometime between running around the playground chased by your mother, a bottle of sunscreen and a bag of goldfish and now, snacking’s gone from being a mandate to a naughty little word. Maybe because it happens during non-meal times, it …