Monthly Archive:: July 2016
Who here has had pavlova before? Not many? You’re about to start drooling big time. It’s sweet, fluffy, creamy, fancy and perfect. Seriously, this dessert will win over your biggest enemy. It’s a little work to put together, but boy, …
You might have seen this little blue fella popping in and out of the Love With Food Facebook and Instagram. In case you’re still a little unclear on who exactly he is, this is the Love With Food mascot Harold! He’s …
The business meeting can be one of the most dreaded things about working in an office - but that’s usually because those meetings aren’t held the right way. Vague objectives, getting off-topic, feeling like nothing’s getting accomplished - sound familiar? …
Have you ever stopped while eating mashed potatoes and wondered how someone came up with the word “potato?” Or “cheese?” Or “bacon?” Some food name origins are more obvious and familiar (like “xocolatl” from the Aztecs, for chocolate) but some …
It’s time again! We’re throwing the biggest party of the month, aka the August Twitter party! We’re giving away enough prizes for the whole family, starting with the Early Bird prizes. Enter the contest by RSVP’ing using the link below …
We’ve all heard that thing about how eating celery burns more calories than the celery itself, right? Yeah, unfortunately that doesn’t work for pizza. But what does it actually take for burning calories in real foods that you actually want …
Bagels are a thing of beauty. Any excuse to eat carbs loaded with cheese and call it something fancy-sounding is a winner, let’s admit it. But there’s a whole world of bagels out there that are far more outrageous and …
Everyone knows donut holes are the best part of the donut, right? Well, what if we told you we knew how to make donut holes like, 1000x better? It’s true. Just add Nutella. And that’s really the key to making …
HR might not exactly have the most exciting reputation, but it’s a crucial part of making any office environment work. Whether it’s hiring new employees or informing existing employees about new policies, good human resources management practices are always necessary. …
Finding gluten-free substitutes is getting easier and easier these days, but getting them to taste like the gluten-y stuff is another matter. Baking and cooking gluten-free isn’t simply a matter of throwing in the gluten-free ingredients and calling it a …