1. Because WAFFLES.
Flickr user Veganbaking.net
2. Heaven, thy name is vegan lasagna.
Flickr user Lablascovegmenu
It’s 10 am and I want this.
3. Excuse me while I go snuggle up under a blanket and eat this for days.
Flickr user Vegan Feast Catering
It’s like a hug, but with vodka sauce.
4. Hmm, suddenly mornings don’t seem so bad…
Flickr user Vegan Feast Catering
Almost too pretty to eat.
Lol jk.
5. I love this pizza so much I want to marry it. Sorry Mom.
Flickr user crd!
6. You didn’t think vegan cupcakes could look so delicious? Silly rabbit.
Flickr user Kelly Sue
Whip up your own delish vegan (and gluten-free!) cupcakes with this Vanilla Cake Baking Mix by Wholesome Chow
7. …sorry, what was I saying? I got distracted by the vegan enchiladas of my dreams.
Flickr user Vegan Feast Catering
Dress up your own enchiladas (or basically anything that could use a kick) with Picante Salt Seasoning by Montana Mex.
8. When they said breakfast is the most important meal of the day they meant this stuff obviously.
Flickr user rusvlaplauke
9. Brb, feeling the need for a Netflix session.
Flickr user Vegan Feast Catering
Psst: Dress up some Buddha Bowl Himalayan Pink Popcorn with maple syrup and nut butter for the perfect night in.
10. Key to photos that will make you drool: Vegan apple cider doughnuts.
Flickr user Veganbaking.net
They’re so…beautiful.
11. Veggie burgers boring? Feast your eyes.
Flickr user punctuated
Give it to me nowwww.
12. And lastly, to forever haunt your dreams, comes vegan cheesecake.
Flickr user imallergic
*dies and is dead*
Do you have any other photos of vegan foods that would make anyone drool? Share them in the comments below!