As any vegan knows, sometimes things can get a little challenging - and other time, you can’t imagine not being on a vegan diet. Sometimes the only thing for it is to take to social media. Read on for some tweets that every vegan will relate to.
1. When resisting temptation becomes second nature.
You know you're a #vegan when you serve your mum ice cream & don't lick the spoon 😂😂👍🏻🍨
— Nigel Ⓥ official (@nigel4036) November 4, 2015
2. When you know the answer to “what’s good.”
If in doubt the answer is almost always … hummus. #vegan #veganlife #vegansofig #hummus #hummous…
— Aine Carlin (@AineCarlin) November 4, 2015
3. When sometimes you can’t have what you want and it stings.
I have never a experienced food jealousy like I did when @kafontai ate cheese and bacon tonight. #veganlife #fail
— Bourbon & Honey (@BrittanyBrander) November 3, 2015
4. And then you figure out your real priorities.
"There's no meat in beer, right?" #veganlife
— ashley (@x_iceberg) October 25, 2015
5. When sometimes you need a little help.
Does anyone know what I'm supposed to do with celery root? #veganlife #momlife #eatyourveggies
— Jenn Simon (@FrapponaiseJenn) October 22, 2015
6. And when you gotta do what you gotta do.
that 1 week a month where your craving junk food so you gotta have 10 boxes of Oreos #veganlife not lots of options is there
— peyton donnelly (@peytondon) October 21, 2015
7. When you have to play dumb.
"Who the hell ate all the salad?" #veganstruggle
— Nina Lovehall (@nantstl) April 20, 2014
8. And when you realize what true terror is.
"May contain dairy."#ScareMeIn3Words#vegan
— Vegan Tweeter (Alex) (@VeganTweeter) October 8, 2015
9. When you find your new religion.
Some people go to church.
I go to Mamoun's Falafel on St. Marks.
(If you see me crying in there, it's not sadness, it's joy & hot sauce.)
— Vegan Tweeter (Alex) (@VeganTweeter) June 1, 2015
10. And realize that you’re really not missing anything.
Celebrating #WorldVeganDay with the best brownie of my entire life from @CapCityBakery. #whatveganseat
— Anne Sidari (@VegAnneATX) November 1, 2015
11. When you have to set people straight.
LoL. All the #Vegan s out there. You are starting to terrify me… #VeganLifestyle
— Syed Taha (@itsSyedTaha) August 31, 2015
12. And when sometimes you just need to be snarky.
A vegan chicken wing is corn on the cob. #veganlifestyle
— $Anakin/Andre/Abe$ (@flyannabellefly) August 17, 2015
13. When it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Dressing up as a banana for the 5th consecutive year.#veganlifestyle
— William Lowry (@Will_D_Lowry) October 31, 2015
14. When you know that your diet makes things harder…
Day one of 30 Days Vegan! #veganlifestyle
— Callie (@calsrox) September 2, 2015
15. But really, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
This is heaven on earth. #vegan #veganlifestyle
— Megan the Vegan (@theveganjourney) August 8, 2015
What else sums up life being on a vegan diet? Tell us in the comments below! And if you’re looking for your own yummy vegan snacks, visit the Love With Food shop!