Monthly Archive:: August 2015
1. Hi everyone, this is chocolate and it’s just whatever. Flickr user LongitudeLatitude Meh. 2. People go nuts over this stuff but it’s not that great. Flickr user luisacontreras-87 I just don’t get it. 3. I mean, …
1. Gluten doesn’t mean the same thing as carbs. Mind = blown. 2. The physical reaction that happens when someone with celiac disease eats gluten is not a thing other people enjoy hearing about. But if you ever want to …
It’s National Peanut Butter Lovers’ Day, and we took a long hard look at this “fad” called peanut butter. What’s so great about it anyway? We went over all the reasons why this condiment isn’t as great as everyone says …
1. When your mother asks why you’re dieting because “you’re beautiful just the way you are”: Thanks Mom. I’ll file that under “Totally Objective Helpful Third-Party Comments.” 2. When your friend who never gains weight ever says they tried dieting but it was …
Contrary to popular belief, being vegan doesn’t mean your diet has to be 100% carrot sticks and beans. There are plenty of ways to use a natural and delicious vegan substitute in your favorite recipes that taste so good …
1. When you ask your kids “what sounds good for dinner tonight?” Sigh. 2. After you tell them they can’t possibly hate something when they’ve NEVER had it before: It just doesn’t make sense… 3. When you ask what …
Ever wished your microwave could make something more interesting than bland popcorn or boring Hot Pockets at snacktime? It can! We proved it by whipping up this delicious chilaquiles recipe in a coffee mug in just a few minutes using …
1. When someone offers you a slice of three-cheese pizza: That’s funny. You’re funny. Look at me laughing. 2. After realizing the only vegan option on the menu at a restaurant is an appetizer salad: Man cannot live on lettuce …
1. …wait what was I saying? I got lost in this pizza’s eyes. Source: Flickr user Dawn Huczek 2. Happy birthday to me every day. Because that’s when I will be making these. Source: Flickr user Kimberley Craig …
1. Scoping out the perfect bite in the office kitchen: Come 3 pm and you’re mine. 2. Trying to decide if you’re actually hungry or just want to eat: I think…both? Both. Both is good. 3. When …