1. Gluten doesn’t mean the same thing as carbs.
Mind = blown.
2. The physical reaction that happens when someone with celiac disease eats gluten is not a thing other people enjoy hearing about.
But if you ever want to make someone go away fast…
3. There are plenty of people who know exactly how you feel.
4. Sometimes gluten-free grocery shopping is expensive AF.
*dies inside while buying gluten-free flour*
5. There will always be someone who offers you something to eat that they don’t know has gluten.
Yeah, I know, I bet it is delicious. Yep, I’m very sure I don’t want any.
6. You can still make kickass food without gluten.
Top Chef here I come.
For some awesome gluten-free recipe ideas click here!
7. When all else fails, wine will never betray you.
The day you discovered it was gluten free was better than Christmas tbh.
8. Sometimes you will really miss real bread.
I love you and I can’t have you.
9. Going out to eat has taught you eternal patience.
…most of the time.
10. Guess what—you can do it.
You can take away my pizza but you can’t take my spirit.
What are some other things you learn in the first year of being on a gluten-free diet? Tell us in the comments below!