1. When your mother asks why you’re dieting because “you’re beautiful just the way you are”:
Thanks Mom. I’ll file that under “Totally Objective Helpful Third-Party Comments.”
2. When your friend who never gains weight ever says they tried dieting but it was just really hard:
Just stop. Nobody cares. Go away.
3. When the waiter asks if you want breadsticks:
Not unless you want to see my cry later.
4. When you’re trying to convince yourself you don’t miss junk food:
Psh. As if.
That’s French fries I smell, right? Someone here has French fries I know it.
For a better-for-you option than that greasy McDonald’s stuff, try a handful of these Original Shoestring Potatoes by Pik-Nik.
5. When you brought a salad to work and see that someone else brought alfredo pasta:
Why you gotta play me like that.
6. When you’re at a party and the cake is just like right there and no one’s even watching:
Why is the world always against me???
Pro tip: Pack a bag of these Chocolate Chip Cookies by Home Free before heading out and curb that baked good craving with less guilt.
7. When your sibling says you’re probably going to give up in a week:
I’ll show you. You’ll see.
8. …and then realize you’ve only been dieting for two weeks:
Everything is awful.
9. When your “friend” tells you that they stopped drinking soda and lost 20 pounds in two months:
Walk. Away. I hope the Starbucks barista accidentally gives you whole milk.
10. And then, when you realize all your hard work is starting to pay off:
You all doubted. Silly peasants. I am a health god.
What are some other faces that everyone who has been on a diet will recognize? Tell us in the comments below!