1. Scoping out the perfect bite in the office kitchen:
Come 3 pm and you’re mine.
2. Trying to decide if you’re actually hungry or just want to eat:
I think…both? Both. Both is good.
3. When someone takes that last bag of pita chips you were eyeing:
Dead to me. You’re dead to me.
(Just open up a bag of Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips and breathe.)
4. So then the next day you take precautions:
Nothing to see here, keep moving okay buddy? No chips for you.
5. When you eat something good for you and feel like:
I could totally go jogging rn. So healthy.
6. And then you remember those Thin Mints you saved in the freezer from six months ago:
Why does being bad taste so good?
7. When you thought you were out of banana chips but then find one more bag hidden way back in your pantry:
There is a God. And he is good.
8. When you actually MAKE a real snack for yourself like a grown up:
#IMadeThis #YesDon’tActSoSurprisedMom
9. When you’ve put off grocery shopping for so long that you’re afraid of going through what’s left in your fridge:
Jesus take the wheel.
10. When you finish your snack and realize the magic is over until next time:
All good things some to an end. Start the countdown again…
Do you know of any other situations that happen to everyone who loves for snacking? Tell us in the comments below!