cooking Archive
1. Gluten doesn’t mean the same thing as carbs. Mind = blown. 2. The physical reaction that happens when someone with celiac disease eats gluten is not a thing other people enjoy hearing about. But if you ever want to …
1. Scoping out the perfect bite in the office kitchen: Come 3 pm and you’re mine. 2. Trying to decide if you’re actually hungry or just want to eat: I think…both? Both. Both is good. 3. When …
1. It bugs you to no end when people pronounce it wrong. KEEN. WAH. GOT IT? i heart keenwah makes it easy to remember. They also make Quinoa Puffs Herbes de Provence that will make you feel things you never thought …
Whether you’re on a restricted diet or not, chances are if you host a party-from backyard BBQ to wedding shower-you’ll end up with at least a guest or two that avoids gluten. Why make everything off-limits, when there are so …