We’ve all heard that thing about how eating celery burns more calories than the celery itself, right? Yeah, unfortunately that doesn’t work for pizza. But what does it actually take for burning calories in real foods that you actually want to eat every day? You might be surprised. Also a little disappointed.
1. One Slice Of Pizza = 22 Minutes of Biking
Flickr user The Pizza Review
2. One Blueberry Muffin = 25 Minutes of Running
Flickr user balise42
3. French Fries (large) = 45 minutes of cardio
Flickr user pittaya
4. One pint of beer = 23 minutes of walking
Flickr user mfajardo
5. One chocolate bar = 22 minutes of running
Flickr user Magic Madzik
6. One bag of potato chips = 30 minutes of cardio
Flickr user Pseph
7. 1/2 cup of ice cream = 20 minutes of running
Flickr user joyosity
8. One doughnut = 30 minutes on a Stairmaster
Flickr user Key Foster
9. One medium mocha = 28 minutes of running
Flickr user Vancouver Bites!
10. One small glass of red wine = 15 minutes of cardio
Flickr user Jing a Ling
Do you want to know about burning calories in other foods? Tell us which ones you’d like to know about?