You might have seen this little blue fella popping in and out of the Love With Food Facebook and Instagram. In case you’re still a little unclear on who exactly he is, this is the Love With Food mascot Harold!
He’s the newest addition to the Love With Food family. Harold (who is a hippo, by the way - the blue is just an excellent fashion statement) has been looking for all-natural and delicious snacks for a long time. The problem is, he keeps finding the same ones at stores, and keeps running into weird ingredients he can’t pronounce.
Then one day he saw an ad for Love With Food and decided to give it one last shot. Considering he’s now the Love With Food mascot, it’s not hard to tell that he loved that red box.
Enter Harold’s Big Snack Giveaway!
Harold has been nomming on all of the July snacks this month, but it almost time for him to dive into August. And he’s so happy to be with Love with Food that he insisted on having a giveaway for all of you! Do you remember all the snacks he munched in July? Take a look back through our Facebook ( and Instagram (@lovewithfood) accounts, name three of the snacks Harold tried in July (add them in a comment below) and you could win a special snack box!
Leave your guesses in the comments by August 7th to enter!
Be on the lookout for the Love With Food mascot again in August, and watch out for his mischievous brother Hans too. That guy loves stealing snacks.