Two weeks ago we asked for your biggest questions about living gluten-free, and now we’re back with your answers! (Along with a little help from our pal KC the G-Free Foodie) Thanks so much to everyone who wrote in, and remember, the line stays open! We’re here to answer ANY questions you have about the gluten-free life anytime!
1. “I was wondering what test is good to get an accurate result for determining gluten intolerance? I don’t eat gluten anymore but when I do my tummy IS AWFUL…so my question is, would eating a diet with no gluten indicate gluten intolerance, and what test is best to take? Thanks so much, love following you :)”
-Jen T.
Flickr user Andrea_Nguyen
The best way to test for gluten intolerance is indeed maintaining a gluten-free diet. Ideally trying it for a minimum of 4 weeks is enough. Make sure that you keep away from foods that could have sneaky gluten in them - salad dressings, sauces, etc. Check out a full list of other names for gluten here to watch out for.
KC also recommended keeping a diary of how you feel a few times a week while you’re off gluten - whether you have any GI problems, whether you’re especially tired or experiencing any skin conditions, things like that.
2. “Gr8 ideas for fantastic, GF drinks.. Preferably clean drinking.. low calorie, yummy with possibly a juice thang.. Thx”
-Tirzah F.
We love this peanut butter and jelly smoothie that we whipped up with KC last year! And she has some more awesome smoothie recipes (and a few adult drinks too, if you’re into that kind of thing) over on her site too that we know you’ll love:
-Strawberry Watermelon Smoothie
-Pineapple Rosemary Crush Cocktails
She also recommends Dry Soda if you’re looking for something bubbly but also low calorie - especially Blood Orange, Vanilla Bean and Lavender.
3. “Do all the fillers and starches in gluten free products make it unsafe to eat for your gut? Thank you!”
Great question - fillers and artificial sweeteners can indeed cause problems with people who are prone to GI issues. KC’s advice? If you’ve already gone gluten-free but are still having GI issues, stick as much to natural and whole foods as possible and cut way back on anything processed with artificial sweeteners or colors. (And remember, the Love With Food gluten-free box doesn’t do artificial. At all.)
And it might be a good idea to check with a GI doctor as well, just to see if there are any specific additional foods that you might be sensitive to.
4. “A few years ago, I sustained a tick bite and found that I’m part of the population susceptible to the worst of those illnesses. As a result, I’ve been forced to forego much of a “normal” lifestyle and diet…Although I have maintained a protein-rich, virtual raw foods diet, I’m still human and miss snacking. I’ve been looking for food options that are GF and don’t contain too much natural sugar and am interested in items that won’t trigger my symptoms. Thanks so much…”
-J. Kang
Gluten-free snacks that are low on sugar aren’t impossible! Never fear. Hummus with crackers or veggies is a great go-to, but we’ve also got several great options available in the Love With Food shop right now that fit the bill:
-Buffalo Style Real Chicken Jerky
-Simply Sea Salt Artisan Popcorn
5. “What’s the best gluten free bread and pasta?”
There are so many! Schar is a great brand for gluten-free pastas, along with La Rosa and Manini’s. As far as bread, Schar Artisan Baker Breads and Canyon Bakehouse Breads make awesome sandwich bread, and you should definitely check out Mariposa Baking Company for rolls.
Bread Srsly is excellent if you’re looking for gluten-free sourdough and dinner rolls. Sidenote: all those brands are KC-endorsed and approved!
Psst…we also highly recommend the Rice Vermicelli noodles from Explore Asian from our store!
*Some questions have been edited for clarity/length
Do you have more gluten-free questions for us? Ask us in the comments below!