You’ve probably heard about the fantastic health benefits of almonds. Not only are they ranked highest in protein by weight of all of the tree nuts, but they also have the most fiber, calcium, vitamin E, riboflavin and niacin! That means that these flavorful little fruit seeds (yes, they’re the seed of the almond fruit) have a lot to offer. In addition to admiring all of those nutritional benefits of whole almonds, we’ve discovered a few more reasons to grab a handful for your next snack.
- A Little Goes a Long Way. We’re talking one handful of almonds, one measly ounce, about 23 individual nuts (!) and you get an eighth of your daily protein and virtually no cholesterol or salt. Try to get all that by diving into a T-Bone at your desk. No way! (And no utensils required.)
- Almonds Get to The Heart of the Matter. Rich in magnesium, which has been linked to preventing heart attacks and hypertension, almonds are terrific for the ol’ ticker. In addition, studies have shown that that eating almonds can reduce bad cholesterol levels and preserve healthy cholesterol. That’ll get your blood flowing.
- Filling is Thrilling. How often do you reach for a snack only to find the whole bag gone and you’re still hungry? Because of their high protein, fiber and fat content, with almonds, that ain’t gonna happen. And get this. We’ve heard that almonds may even be able to block the body’s absorption of calories. If that’s not a bonus for weight-loss dieters, not sure what is!
- Good Fat Makes You Pretty. Yes, you heard correctly, almonds are high in fats. But we’re talking about monounsaturated fats, a.k.a. the good kind of fat. In addition to providing great flavor and texture, these fats, also found in olive oil and avocados, are sensational for the skin and hair, not to mention what’s inside as well.
- Skin is In. Turns out that the antioxidants that are in almond skin are rich in flavonoids. Funny word, right? Simply put; when you eat the brown exterior, it combines with the Vitamin E to give your skin a one-two punch for optimal moisture and elasticity.
- Shells are More Fun. Almonds stored in the shell have a longer shelf life than unshelled almonds so they keep their crunch. And just like pistachios, they also provide a playful activity for restless fingers. Just crack the hard exterior and toss your shells into the compost pile. Then eat the amazing almond from inside. Relax and repeat. Can’t find them in your local store? No worries. Check out Bobalu In-Shell Almonds now and get crackin’!
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