So, it happened. You ate something with gluten. Most likely completely by accident, or by trusting that the person who gave you the food (or packaged it) knew what they were talking about. But sometimes mistakes happen. Now it’s time to deal with the consequences.
What You’re Probably Feeling
While different people can experience different symptoms after getting glutened (and you might feel differently depending on whether you have Celiac disease or a different condition like gluten intolerance), these are a few of the most common:
-Intense abdominal pain
-Skin rash
-Joint pain
-Even mental symptoms like difficulty focusing
What It Means
Since people with Celiac disease or other conditions like gluten intolerance can’t physically process the gluten molecule in their small intestine, your body has an extreme reaction to try and get it out. Hence the all-around terrible feelings. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease, so your immune system actually attacks the small intestine.
What To Do Now
Don’t panic. Getting glutened happens. It’s never fun, but your body’s tough. It knows what to do, you just have to let it work. The length that your symptoms will last isn’t always set - some people feel lousy for a day or so, and others can stay sick for up to a week.
1) Drink a TON of water to stay hydrated. Your body’s doing a lot of work right now, it needs fluids!
2) Stop whatever you’re doing. Seriously. If you’re at work or school, go home. You’re likely feeling bad enough that it’s hard to stay concentrated on regular things anyway, and your body needs all the energy it can get to heal itself. So just rest.
3) Don’t risk eating inflammatory foods: Gluten-free flours, dairy products, and even sugar and alcohol (sorry). Your body is super sensitive right now because of the “attack” from gluten, so eating these foods could trigger another reaction. Don’t risk it.
Have you been glutened before? What was the experience like for you? Tell us in the comments below!