Pizza, as you know, is one of our guaranteed rights as people. Unfortunately it can get a little tricky for those of us who eat gluten-free, since gluten is usually a big player in what is obviously the best part of pizza - the crust. But humanity has done a lot of amazing things over the years - gone into outer space, discovered vaccines, put cream inside chocolate cupcakes - and creating amazingly delicious recipes for completely gluten-free pizza crust is no exception. Check out these 9 recipes for gluten-free pizza crust and make every night pizza night! As it should be.
1. The Basic But Still Bomb: Best Gluten-Free Pizza Crust by Gluten-Free Goddess
2. Gluten-Free Eaters Can Splurge Too: Stuffed Gluten-Free Pizza Crust by Gluten-Free On A Shoestring
3. Huh, They Can Make Pizza Crust Out Of That? Sweet Potato Pizza Crust
4. The Pizza Crust For Dummies: Yeast-Free Gluten-Free Pizza Crust by Gluten-Free On A Shoestring
5. Sounds Complicated But Isn’t: Brazilian Cheese Gluten-Free Crust by Gluten-Free Gobsmacked
6. “They’re So Small I Can Get Away With Eating Five, Right?” Polenta Mini Pizza Crust by The Perfect Pantry
7. It’s Made Of Vegetables So It’s Totally Following Your Diet: Gluten-Free Cauliflower Pizza Crust by Cooking Classy
8. Trust Me, It Sounds Weird But Is Actually Delicious: Gluten-Free Spaghetti Squash Pizza Crust by Shared Appetite
9. And one from our good old friend quinoa: Gluten-Free Vegan Quinoa Pizza Crust
What’s your favorite gluten-free pizza crust recipe? Tell us in the comments below!