Who says fortune cookies always have to be actual COOKIES? We’ve got the perfect idea for a festive and fruity twist on the treat you know and love. And guess what? The only ingredient you need is fruit roll-ups! They’re the perfect way to share a sweet note with your sweetheart on a certain upcoming February holiday…hint hint. Watch the video below and make this treat your new favorite go-to Valentine’s Day recipe!
Here's a fun project for the whole family! Fruit Leather Fortune Cookies! Just another way to send a special note that special someone! Lovewithfood.com
Posted by Love With Food on Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Fruity Fortune “Cookies”
Fruit roll-ups
Wine glass
Homemade paper notes (about half an inch wide and a few inches long)
Take two fruit roll-ups and flatten them out on top of each other. Use the wine glass to cut two circles out of both of the fruit layers. Place a note in the middle of each circle and fold the fruit layers over without flattening them out. Pinch the edges of the fruit roll-up together on the rounded side, leaving some empty space inside along the straight edge. Bend the folded fruit roll-up while keeping the empty space open to resemble a fortune cookie. Trust us, it’s easier that it sounds when you try it. Repeat to make as many cookies as you’d like, and enjoy!