What a year. In 2015 we all prayed for Paris, met Caitlyn Jenner, and heard the Supreme Court say that gay marriage is legal. And through all of that, we ate. Food was our constant companion. So let’s take a minute to appreciate the biggest food headlines you probably read about and maybe forgot about.
1. Seaweed That Tastes Like Bacon Because Of Course There Is
Image source: wdish.com
God help us all. Have you tried dulse like the folks over at Esquire? Tell us what you thought in the comments!
2. All-Day Breakfast at McDonald’s Arrives, World Peace Achieved
Flickr user norio-nomura
All the people wanted was to be able to walk in to McDonald’s at 9 p.m. and get an Egg McMuffin. Was that so hard to make happen?
3. The New York Times Lost Its Mind And Said PEAS BELONG IN GUACAMOLE
Flickr user stevedepolo
They don’t. Obama said so. Okay? The PRESIDENT. Just stop.
I can’t even talk about this anymore.
4. Processed Meats Linked To Cancer
Yes I know that this shouldn’t get blown out of proportion and the real danger is about the same as alcohol. I get it, bacon is delicious. But the link was made by the World Health Organization, so it’s worth paying attention to. It certainly caused enough of an uproar.
5. Asparagus Water
Flickr user Upupa4me
C’mon, Whole Foods. What did you think was going to happen.
Honorable Mention - Pizza Rat
Because obviously. We are all Pizza Rat sometimes, right?
What other memorable food headlines did you see this year? Tell us in the comments below!