If you’re gluten-free, chances are you have to prepare most of your food yourself, to prevent the dreaded phenomenon of cross-contamination that leads to bad things. Problem is, many gluten-free folks live with people who don’t follow a gluten-free diet and are also cooking on the regular. So what do you do? It’s easier than you think. All you need to do is make sure to follow some basic safety tips, and you and your roommates can conduct your gluten-full and gluten-free cooking in perfect harmony.
1. Clean EVERYTHING You Have To Share For Gluten-Free Cooking
Seriously. EVERYTHING. Gluten-y ingredients left over from when your roommates or SO cooks can stay hidden inside nooks and crannies of appliances and surfaces like you wouldn’t believe. Don’t just assume because there aren’t any visible crumbs that they aren’t there.
2. Use Separate Appliances When They Can’t Be Cleaned
Sometimes cooking equipment is just too complicated to get clean every time you want to cook. It’s a drag, we understand! So sometimes it’s just easier to use your own. Trust us, buying your own toaster is TOTALLY worth not getting glutened.
3. Keep GF Ingredients Far Away From Gluten-y Stuff
Cross-contamination is no joke. Keeping the gluten-free flour right next to the regular flour just because they’re both flour can be a disaster if spills happen. So play it safe and reserve one cupboard for all the gluten-y stuff, and another one for your gluten-free items.
4. Use Clear Labels For Gluten-Free Cooking Items That Have To Be In Shared Spaces
Like the fridge. Can’t keep condiments like mayonnaise in the cupboard, but chances are you and your roommates each have your own jars. You don’t want to run the risk of your roommate accidentally grabbing your jar to stick their gluteny-breadcrumb-covered knife into. Keep your name clearly written on the lids, so accidents don’t happen.
5. Train The Other People In Your House
It’s a common saying: the most likely cause at the heart of a disaster is some sort of human error. We’re not perfect. But when it comes to keeping yourself from getting glutened, you can train the other people in your house to be perfect gluten-free conscious pals. Let them know about the consequences of being exposed to gluten, and spell out clearly what they can do to keep from accidentally glutening you. In all honesty, it’s not that hard! You just have to make sure they know the rules. And if they’re your friends anyway, they want you to be healthy!
What are some other safety tips for gluten-free cooking that you follow? Tell us in the comments below!
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