How do you make the most important meal of the day even better? Give it a sweet makeover. By using Truvia Natural Sweetener in waffles instead of sugar, you’ve got a breakfast recipe that you can feel good about ALL day. Get the full recipe below and try it today!
Here’s what you’ll need:
-2 pieces of whole wheat bread
-3 egg whites
-1/4 cup of coconut milk
-1 tsp of cinnamon
-1 packet of Truvia Natural Sweetener
-Truvia Nectar
Here’s what you do:
Whisk together egg whites, coconut milk cinnamon and Truvia Natural Sweetener in a medium sized bowl. Next, take a piece of whole wheat bread and dip it in egg mixture. Take the dipped bread and place it in a waffle iron for about 4 minutes.
Pro tip! Top your breakfast with Truvia Nectar and your favorite fresh berries.