About 5-6 years ago, I made these cookies for my kids. They involve about 17 steps and take multiple days, but they are so freakin’ good that I can’t escape them. As soon as winter break approaches, my son starts asking for these “Santa Cookies”. Nothing else will do. I don’t know if it’s helping me mix, roll, sugar, mash, fill, dip or garnish the things, but I’m pretty sure the best part in this 10 year old kid’s mind is the annual smashing of the peppermints. (When else do we regularly break out a mallet?)
While we were deconstructing our peppermints to make the decadent dusting for my multi-step cookie, I started to wonder. What else are people doing with peppermint these days? And is there any easier way to wow my 10 year old? Here’s what I found.
No where near as destructive, but this idea from Design Dazzle looks pretty fun activity for winter break nonetheless!
Not going away for the holidays? How ‘bout bringing the Northpole to you? The Girl Who Ate Everything has a recipe to help you navigate the trip.
RoseBakes has the right idea. Still plenty of smashing peppermints, but this no-bake version takes no time at all. Bonus points for reminding us to break out the hot cocoa yet again!
Did LifeYourWay really use peppermint sticks? No. Could they have. Heck yeah. Next year baby!
K, I’m not making these shot glasses, but the drinks we could all use at this time of the year. Thanks to SpaBettie for getting that ball rolling!
And as we move away from the kid-friendly canes… E is for Eat reminds us that if we really want to go young at heart, there’s nothing like peppermint Jello shots to get us there.
And just in case we’re out of serving trays…Why not do WhatCheSays?
Happy smashing, baking, melting, dipping and shooting! Have any particularly creative peppermint ideas? Please send them to us in the comments below.