When fall rolls around, it seems like the pumpkin recipes start to pop up everywhere you look. Don’t panic—Love With Food is here with a super simple pumpkin ice cream recipe (with no ice cream maker needed, seriously!) for the most devout of pumpkin lovers. It might even convert some of you crazy people who haven’t jumped on the pumpkin train yet. It’s also the perfect dessert if you still aren’t quite ready to let go of summer yet. Check out our video and then go make some of your own!
Pumpkin Ice Cream - Here’s What You’ll Need:
-8 oz heavy whipping cream
-14 oz sweetened condensed milk
-3/4 cup pumpkin puree
-1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
-1/2 tsp vanilla
Here’s what to do:
Whip the whipping cream in a mixer {pro tip: it goes faster if the bowl is chilled first} until stiff peaks form. Add the sweetened condensed milk while still mixing, then add the remaining three ingredients and combine. Pour into a freezable container, cover, and freeze until solid, about 4 hours or overnight. Top with your favorite ice cream toppings and enjoy!
Note: This recipe can easily be made gluten-free too! Just be sure to check the ingredients in that pumpkin pie spice! And check out our other pumpkin recipes here!