Ah, the holidays. A time for celebrating and looking back at the past year to think about all the things that you’re grateful for in your life. It’s also a time where out behavior gets a little weird, if you take it out of context. Take a look at our list of things people do during the holidays that you’d never do any other time of year.
1. Acting like being cold 24/7 the time is suddenly “charming” or something.
It’s not. It’s still just cold.
2. Listening to the same 10 songs for over a month straight.
C’mon it’s lovely weather for a sleigh ride together EFF YOU.
3. Obsessing with making everything red and green.
My eyes were not ready.
What’s red and green and always seasonally appropriate? The Red and Green Fruit Spreads Packs by Just Jan’s.
4. Stressing over the perfect secret gift for someone at work that you don’t even talk to the rest of the year.
Yesss Ted will love this. Wait, no, Todd.
Recipe to win Secret Santa: give any of the gifts on Love With Food’s gift guide.
5. Seeking out as many peppermint foods as humanly possible.
Peppermint bark? Yes. In fact we can direct you to an excellent recipe here.
Peppermint yogurt covered gluten-free pretzels? Oh yes.
Peppermint pickles? Stay this madness.
6. Taking a dead tree, standing it up in your living room and putting junk all over it.
It’s weird and kind of extremely morbid.
7. Putting children on the lap of a chubby bearded guy at the mall so they can ask him for presents.
8. Making a big freaking deal out of staying awake until midnight just to watch one month turn into another month.
I stay up until midnight by accident all the time. It’s going to be the “New Year” for another 365 days, people.
What do you think are the weirdest things people do during the holidays? Tell us in the comments below! And to make sure your holidays are always delicious no matter what traditions you have, check out the Love With Food shop.