Whether you see it in the hair, smile or skin, there’s something about a dark chocolate lover that’s just a little sexier. Read on and find out why people that enjoy that sweet sensation on a regular basis are so much hotter than the vanilla crowd.
They’ve Got That Peaceful Easy Feeling
Cocoa contains a bunch of naturally occurring chemicals that tell your brain it’s happy time. Phenylethylamine, sounds like something you’d fill your car with, but really it’s a stimulant similar to dopamine or adrenaline that safely steers your brain to the upside. Chocolate also increases serotonin, which tells your brain that you should feel important. And well, when you feel good, you look mah-va-lous dah-ling!
Their Blood is Pumping
Did you know that eating dark chocolate is said to improve blood flow? And it only takes a little bit (say one or two Extra Dark Chocolate Brix Bites) a couple of times a week to help lower blood pressure. With all that circulating, these guys are ready to go. Whether its dancing til dawn or straight to the bedroom, trust us, they’ll be up for it!
They’re Easy on the Eyes
Yes, looks matter. We’re talking about hotness here! And with all of those antioxidants, dark chocolate actually helps a body rid itself of free radicals that damage the cells. Forget about the fact that those same free radicals are also implicated in causing cancers. (Ok. well don’t forget about it, but just keep that one in a separate little bucket.) In addition, dark chocolate is a good source of iron, which is helpful in maintaining healthy hair, skin and nails.These peeps may look a little younger, have fewer wrinkles and feel better about the way they look. You will too.
They Speak in Complete Sentences
When we talk about blood flow, we’re not just talking about down there. Dark chocolate helps send the blood in the other direction as well-straight to the brain. That means, choco-holics get some cognitive lift as well. And unless, you’re one of those lame-o’s that still likes dating the high school has-been, conversation can be the best aphrodisiac of all.
They’re Not About to Snap
Have you ever been on a date with someone who gets so hungry, while waiting for your table that they’re rude to the wait staff and an embarrassment to be seen with? A little handful of Dark Chocolate Cacao Nibs and that whole episode could have been avoided. Because it has a low glycemic index, dark chocolate is digested slowly and doesn’t cause spikes in blood sugar levels. Keeping cool is just totally hot.
They’ve Got Reason to Smile
Cavities are often linked to eating sweet treats. But not dark chocolate! As it turns out, it contains theobromine which has been shown to harden tooth enamel and lower risk of cavities. It’s that irresistible goofy grin that gets us every time.
They Can Go a Little Longer
Dark chocolate contains magnesium that not only helps prevent type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease, but it’s also used by some athletes to increase energy and endurance. Hmmm… Let’s think about that for a minute. What else could benefit from a little extra energy and endurance?
They’ve Got More Feeling
There’s no scientific evidence that chocolate makes anyone more passionate, but it may help to stoke the fire. Why? Well, this tasty treat has plenty of potassium. That’s the mineral that help nerves and muscles work right. And when all that’s working, who needs science to tell you what’s right.
Are you a dark chocolate lover? Why, it’s about time we get acquainted. Check out Love With Food and for a sensational selections of the worlds finest chocolate creations.
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