Having to eat gluten-free affects your daily life in a lot of ways. And sure, some of them aren’t so great, but if we really take a look, it becomes obvious that living a gluten-free lifestyle can make you even more awesome than you already were. Here’s just 7 reasons why people on a gluten-free diet are actually awesome.
1. They know how to think outside the box.
When it comes to a gluten-free diet, sometimes you have to get creative. Gluten-free folks have to think a little differently about their food, which means they’ve gotten good at thinking creatively, and it’s sure to rub off in other areas.
2. They’re always thoughtful.
Gluten-free folks are used to sometimes being forgotten about or left out because of their diet requirements. Everyone’s got a story about a dinner party where everything LOOKS great, but someone forgot to tell the host about having a gluten-free option. So they know how important it is to always think of other people and how to include everyone. They’ll always make great pals.
3. They know to break out the good stuff.
When you’re gluten-free, you learn real fast what foods are already safe to eat - especially ones that you still love. This includes a bunch of scrumptious stuff, like wine, steak, cheese, and butter. Not too shabby, right? Always say “yes” to dinner at your gluten-free buddy’s house.
4. They’re pros when it comes to cooking.
Eating gluten-free means that you have to learn how to alter recipes to make sure to keep gluten out, sometimes in pretty interesting ways. So even if you haven’t been big on cooking before, you’ll get a crash culinary course built-in with your new diet.
6. People on a gluten-free diet aren’t afraid to speak their minds.
Anyone who eats gluten-free has probably run into a situation requiring you to double-check or maybe even triple-check that some food doesn’t have any gluten. Depending on the way people respond, it’s not always fun. But those experiences show you how to stand up for yourself.
7. They’re never judgmental.
People who eat gluten-free can probably tell you that they’ve gotten a lot of responses when they tell someone new about their diet, from disbelief to annoying to even insulting. Learning how to get through that means that gluten-free folks know what it means to be quickly judged, and are far less likely to do it to someone else.
Why do you think people on a gluten-free diet are awesome? Tell us in the comments below!