I know. You’re feeling tired. Not exactly ready to pump out that powerpoint that’s due in 3 hours or make it to that mid-morning yoga class you’d been promising yourself. That’s what happens at 11am when you’ve ignored the most important meal of the day. You know it, I know it, and yes, that mother of yours told you so! (Damn it!)
Well, good thing is that tomorrow is a brand new day and you can change your dirty little morning habit of rushing out of the house with nary a bite of an apple. If you shop for a couple of key ingredients, making a high protein breakfast that’s ready to roll when you are is just a matter of habit. Here are 5 ideas (enough for every day this week) to kick off your new morning menu.
Eggs: First of all-yum! Eggs are quick to prepare and so versatile it’s a wonder we don’t crack into them everyday. That said, to avoid adding minutes to your morning ritual, while taking advantage of the 6 grams of protein per each egg, try hard boiling a half dozen eggs at the beginning of the week or creating a frittata on Sunday night. Then, all you have to do is portion, heat (or not) and you can grab and go with your essential amino acids in tote.. (no clean-up required)
Hemp Hearts: With 10 grams of protein per 3 tablespoon serving, having a package of hemp hearts on hand is the perfect way to beef up your morning with the right kind of love. Prepare a smoothie combining 1 banana, 5 strawberries, 1 (6 oz.) cup of vanilla yogurt, ½ cup of apple juice and 3 Tbsp. of hemp hearts. Just pulse, pour, pop in a straw and you’re on your way to a better day.
Nut Butter: Peanut butter may have taken a popularity dive since so many kids seem to be allergic these days, but it still reigns supreme in the protein department. With 8 grams of protein per serving, we say go for it if you can! If not, there are plenty of other nutbutters to choose from. Try smearing a little YumButter on whole wheat toast. Top it off with sliced bananas and a little sprinkle of cinnamon sugar. Heck, this one can come on your commute with you!
Quinoa: Right. You’re not necessarily going to boil up a fresh pot of quinoa if you could push the snooze button one more time instead. Instead, look for products that feature quinoa as a primary ingredient (on the ingredient list, make sure it’s one of the first that you read). Quinoa Clusters and Purely Elizabeth Ancient Grain Granola are awesome options. Toss them in a to-go container and eat ‘em on the run.
Greek yogurt: Totally different than that sugary stuff of your childhood. Thick Greek yogurt packs 23 grams of protein into an 8 ounce serving. Add to that its got serious calcium and probiotic-goodness! Still need a little sweetness to get it down the hatch? Just a drizzle of honey, a couple of sliced bananas or a handful of blueberries and the love will shine through in no time!
Do you have an AM snack that packs a lot of protein? Share with us in the comments below.