Being on a gluten-free diet is getting easier these days - but that doesn’t mean you don’t still run into struggles. And what’s the best way to relate to other people going through the same thing? You go to social media. Take a look at these tweets about living life gluten-free - we know you’re sure to say “same.”
1. Sometimes you gotta be resourceful.
Smuggled my own soy sauce into a sushi place…I feel like a spy. #glutenfreestruggle
— Savannah Lauren (@Vevy) July 6, 2014
2. And remember that this diet is endorsed by a higher power.
And Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone.’” #goodthing #glutenfreelife
— Carol كارول (@carolmmichael) August 13, 2015
3. Even though sometimes it can be confusing.
Can't tell of this pasta is ready or if it's supposed to be this way. #glutenfreestruggle
— Camila Moreno (@CamilaMV27) March 27, 2014
4. Or a major gamble.
Unmarked Ziploc of pasta. #celiacroulette #glutenfreelife
— Miranda, punching (@writingmiranda) July 30, 2015
5. But keep in mind that you have a support network…
Love visiting my cousins because they feed me #glutenfree brownies
— Toni Carey (@toni_carey) August 19, 2015
6. …that’s way bigger than family and friends.
We've mapped out the best #glutenfree brunch spots in America:
— Delight Gluten-Free (@delightgfmag) August 27, 2015
7. Sometimes the pain is real—and not from getting glutened.
— Alicia Lagourcette (@alicia_lag) August 8, 2015
8. And sometimes it’s just not fair.
Sabrina: Is that cardboard??? *touches* oh yeah, that's cardboard. #glutenfreeprobs
— Mædəsən (@Madi_Mahlendorf) August 23, 2015
Leave cardboard pizza behind forever with Gluten Free Pizza Crust Mix by Chebe.
9. Sometimes your biggest demands are very simple.
— Madeline Savitt (@MADELINESAVITT) May 17, 2015
We hear you. Try these Chocolate Chip Cookies by HomeFree.
10. …but don’t forget how much better you feel with no gluten.
3 days #glutenfree done and feel amazing. What a difference @DuncanBannatyne
— paul thorley (@pthorley) August 19, 2015
11. There will be times when you feel bad for yourself…
Everyone else at work is indulging in waffle bar. I'm here munching on broccoli. #glutenfreelife #foodallergylife #fml #imisswaffles
— Kimberly Harris (@KimberlyLHarris) May 15, 2015
12. …like there’s no escape from your gluten-free bonds.
Had a nightmare last night ab eating rolls… #glutenfreelife @amandaglouner
— sae (@sbeth92398) July 19, 2015
13. But you’re cool enough to keep a sense of humor…
“@emilyisroyaltea: Silly rabbit, #trix are for people who eat #gluten!” #celiac #glutenfree #gfree #gf #celiacprobs #gfreelife #nogluten
— GIASAG (@GIASAGstaples) January 2, 2014
14. Even if it’s a little sarcastic sometimes…
Eating chilli in 90 degree weather #glutenfreestruggle
— courtney (@sii_paige) September 14, 2013
15. Or a lot sarcastic…
Today I saw a bumper sticker that said "I ❤️ gluten." I was personally offended then laughed because it's actually funny #glutenfreeprobs
— Christina Costa (@Christina_Costa) August 15, 2015
16. …or even a little corny.
A little #glutenfree humour for you all 😀 #Irishbizparty #ArielHouse
— Lakeland Bakery (@LakelandBakery) August 19, 2015
17. And you know the trick is to appreciate the little things…
Hi my name is Ashlin and I'm addicted to G-Free cookies #gfreelife ✌
— Ashlin Almquist (@ashlinmarie10) July 9, 2013
18. …and the awesome things…
French themed work lunch today… Meant cheese and cake for me. #glutenfreelife #couldntbehappier #athlete
— Frances Mackay (@FrankieMac71) August 17, 2015
19. …and the REALLY awesome things.
Yass #glutenfreelife
— Just Jill (@jillbean9) August 19, 2015
20. Because being gluten-free doesn’t mean you can’t be kickass.
Starting a gluten free lifestyle was one of the best decisions I've ever made!!! #nogluten #healthyliving #lifestyle #goodfoodkarma
— Lizzie Jane (@LizzieJane15) July 23, 2015
Do you know any other tweets that sum up being on a gluten-free diet? Tell us in the comments below!