1. Your first priority when you wake up is food.
Nobody talk to me until I eat.
2. You just don’t get it when someone says they just “don’t feel like eating.”
Just why.
3. You never go ANYWHERE without snacks.
Especially if it’s something super easy to pack like Roasted Broad Beans or Shoestring Potatoes.
4. Any outing or party is centered around whether or not there will be food.
Oh it’s just drinks? Nvm. Can’t make it, I’m sick.
5. When you go too long without food you start to remind people of that one guy from the Avengers. The enormous green rage monster.
That’s my secret, Cap. I’m always hungry.
6. Your friends don’t even ask if you want food when you’re at their house; they just bring it.
It’s not that I don’t want to see you, I just want to see food more.
7. You don’t have a favorite food. All foods are your favorite.
You wouldn’t ask a mother to choose her favorite child, right?
8. You’re always the first one to ask about lunch or dinner plans.
Yes, I know it’s 9:30…what’s your point?
9. Cooking involves whatever will take the shortest time to make.
Cereal it is.
10. Knowing that food is the best part of life. Always.
As if there was ever a doubt.
Are you always hungry? Tell us your struggle in the comments below!
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