We’ve all heard people say it: We eat way more than the standard serving size. But what does a serving actually mean? Sure, you can count out 10 chips from a bag for one serving, but what about things like pasta? How do you know how much you’re really eating, compared to a serving? We looked into the hard facts about the serving sizes of our favorite foods.
1. Pasta

Flickr users Mr Michael Phams, Walt Stoneburner
1 serving size: 1/2 cup cooked pasta. That’s about the size of your fist.
2. Steak
Flickr users tarale, stevendepolo
1 serving size: 3 ounces, or a piece about the size of a deck of cards.
3. Ice Cream
Flickr users gordonramsaysubmissions, Lemsipmatt
1 serving: 1/2 cup ice cream. Think the size of a tennis ball.
4. Cheese
Flickr users tarale, eclesh
1 serving size: 1 ounce. That’s about the size of two dice.
5. Pizza
Flickr users Instant Vantage, Danny Chapman
1 serving size: 1 slice. Obviously pizza can vary widely from place to place, but each slice should be about the size of your hand.
6. Chocolate
Flickr users Siona Karen, Marcus Q
1 serving: 1 ounce, or around the size of a pack of dental floss.
7. Bread
Flickr user avlxyz, Creativity103
One serving is one slice. Sorry, your sandwich is technically two servings. Each slice should be around the size of a CD case (for people who remember what those are).
8. Pancakes
Flickr user rob_rob2001, Freejpg
Another throwback: One serving would be a pancake the size of a CD itself. Not counting butter or syrup, obvs.
9. Apples
Flickr user www.tOrange.biz
1 serving of an apple is a fruit the size of your fist.
10. French Fries
Flickr user pittaya
Get ready to be disappointed: One serving of fries is only about 10.
11. Eggs
Flickr user UnknownNet Photography
1 serving size: 2 whole eggs (or 4 egg whites, if you’re being extra health-conscious).
12. Coffee
Flickr user Miss Ichijouji, kittenfc
One serving is one cup. And that doesn’t mean your huge “I Hate Mondays” mug - one cup is 8 ounces, period.
What other tips do you have on measuring serving sizes? Tell us in the comments below!