- There’s a food truck for dogs in Seattle because apparently that’s who we are now.
Flickr user Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West)
- We finally figure out what’s actually worth paying for at Coachella - the food. As in the diabetes-inducing Cookie Crisp doughnut ice cream sandwich from Afters Ice Cream, gourmet s’mores from Mallow Mallow, and Chicken Tikka Poutine from Badmaash.
Afters Ice Cream Instagram
- NASA’s taking lessons from Matt Damon and working on how to grow plants on freakin’ Mars. Does this mean we’re about to find that obelisk from “2001: A Space Odyssey?” Do I watch too many movies?
- England is attempting to take the fun out of eating literally anything with its proposal to label foods with the amount of exercise required to burn it off. No thank you. I would like to eat my cheesecake on my couch in my pajamas in peace and let the guilt overtake me later thank you very much.
- New York is at it again by combining a cool thing (community gardens) with a boring thing (the East River) to make something that everyone will immediately overwhelm and subsequently abandon as too mainstream. Provided the Indiegogo goes well (ha), starting in June a barge called Swale with a huge garden will dock at Brooklyn Bridge Park, Governors Island, and up into the Bronx and let people hop on and pick free produce.
Flickr user Peter Blanchard
Check back every Friday for more food news from around the world!