- Diet Coke is getting a redesign, which won’t actually affect our lives but will be just different enough when you see it to weird you out.
Flickr user smlp.co.uk
- McDonald’s laughs at your silly diets by offering ALL YOU CAN EAT FRIES YO. Only at once location (in Missouri of all places) but you just know it’ll be everywhere by the end of the year.
Flickr user Bruna Ferrara
- Five weeks after it started, Uber’s New York Instant Delivery service is over. Turns out it’s tough to deliver food to a single person in under 10 minutes in a city with over 8 million people.
Flickr user illustir
- And two days after that, Postmates launched an app that will do the exact same thing. In 15 minutes or less. So, good luck?
Flickr user kennejima
- This week the USDA announced it would dedicate $4.7 million in grants for food safety education, training, and technical assistance projects. All of the programs will focus on small farms, merchants, farmers’ markets and other businesses.
Flickr user USDAgov
Check back on Noshable every Friday for more updates in the world of food news!