We recently asked our gluten-free Noshable readers about the most ridiculous thing that someone ever said to them about being on a gluten-free diet. And boy, did they not disappoint. We did have to pick a winner, but honestly, we think you’re all winners for enduring people who say things like this. Here are the awesome answers you gave!!
1. The Well-Meaning But Useless Offer
(My son is on a GF/CF diet)
“Oh, he is gluten-free? Well, that’s no fun! Here, have some chocolate cake, on the house!”
ummmm, thanks?
-Angelia H.
2. The Question That Missed The Point So. Hard.
A waiter asked me if I wanted a “separate” plate for my bread? So it wasn’t contaminated!
3. The Advice From A “Medical Professional”
An anesthesiologist told me that there is no such thing as gluten sensitivity. He said it has been proven not to be real.
4. The Passive Aggressive Surprise
A friend of mine said, “Wow! You need to eat gluten-free too? It seems like that’s the first diagnosis doctors are making nowadays!”
5. The WTF Question
I had a waitress ask me to taste the salad dressing to see if there was gluten in it… haha.
6. Thank God This Person Got Some Help With Their Severe Delusion…
I was told that my reactions that I have to gluten were all in my head and that I did not need to be gluten free. Sure, when I ingest something with gluten in and then spend the next half hour in the bathroom, that is all in my head. I had a test done and it was found I have a high intolerance to gluten. Since removing it from my diet, I have felt way better than the past few years.
In my head, indeed!
-Angela M.
7. The Instant Frustrated Dismissal
“Oh what is wrong with you now? Every time I turn around there is something wrong with you.”
Well I was diagnosed with Celiac disease in February. So when I was asked this I was really stunned because all my other problems were misdiagnosed. Everything was due to Celiac.
-Danielle H.
8. And The Unhelpful “Compliment”
“I was thinking of trying a gluten-free diet, too! But it is too hard to be gluten-free! You must be so disciplined.”
*Some submissions have been edited for length/clarity.
What’s the most ridiculous thing someone has said to you about being on a gluten-free diet? Tell us in the comments below!