Even the most skilled cooks run into tasks that they hate doing in order to create fabulous food. Chopping, peeling, stirring…yawn. Luckily, over the years enterprising people have discovered some incredible shortcuts to make cooking way more fun and less of a chore. We’ve gathered up 10 of the best food hacks ever. Try them out and be amazed.
1. Accidentally dropped eggshell pieces into raw egg?
Flickr user Steve A Johnson
Just wet your fingers before you dig around to get them out. Problem solved.
2. No time to boil a pot of water? Use your Keurig.
Flickr user suendercafe
3. Tired of making a mess trying to cut pieces of cake with a big unwieldy knife?
Flickr user m01229
Use unscented dental floss. Works every time.
4. Not a patient person when it comes to waiting for ice cream to soften?
Flickr user a.pasquier
Who is, really. Keep the container in a sealed plastic bag when you put it back in the feezer. It’ll stay soft, promise.
5. Did you burn those cookies/bread/other nefarious baked good?
Flickr user Cubosh
*whispers* use a cheese grater to scrape it off. No one has to know!
6. Trying to measure out a cup of something sticky like peanut butter?
Flickr user certified su
Just oil the measuring cup like you would with a baking pan. It’ll slide out no problem.
7. Not sure how to tell when the steak is “medium rare?” (Who even owns a meat thermometer anyway.)
Flickr user Jackie.lck
Hold your hand out in front of you, palm up. Touch your pointer finger and thumb. That’s the texture to shoot for if you want the meat rare rare.
Touch your middle finger to your thumb - that’s medium rare.
Touch your ring finger to your thumb - that’s medium well.
And finally, touch your pinky finger to your thumb, and that’s well done.
8. Are your bananas taking for-freaking-ever to ripen?
Flickr user rennes_i
Rude. Bake them at 350 for 5 minutes to hurry things along.
9. Not sure how old your eggs are?
Flickr user dusk-photography
Drop ’em in water. If they sink right away and lay on their sides, they’re super fresh. The older they are, the more they’ll float. If they’re REALLY old, they’ll bob back up to the top of the water. Don’t use those eggs.
10. Use an ice-cream scoop to measure out cupcake or muffin batter to make sure each one bakes up the same size.
Flickr user Berries.com
Time to show that annoying coworker who never forgets anyone’s birthday who’s boss.
What are your favorite cooking or food hacks? Tell us in the comments below!