Last month everyone at Love With Food was so excited and proud to reach a HUGE milestone: donating one million meals to food banks around the U.S. And while we were all so grateful to every single person who helped us get there, that last meal that put us over the top was all thanks to the incredibly generous (and adorable) Kim Gorman!
Here’s Kim showing some Popchip love.
Kim has been a loyal subscriber to Love With Food for just over a whopping FOUR years, which means she’s stuck with us through thick and thin. We wanted to call her out for being such a fantastic Love With Food-ie, so we chatted with her recently about her thoughts on being part of Love With Food.
LWF: “How did you get started as a Love With Food subscriber?”
KG: “This is a “Chicken or Egg” question… I know that Little Red Dot Kitchen’s Bak Kwa is involved, but I cannot remember if you led me to them or they led me to you. Either way, I’m so glad! I love food, and I particularly enjoy browsing new and interesting food items. I’m not really a “snacker” though, so I found that I’d purchase things just to try, and most of the time they’d go to waste because once my curiosity was satisfied, I was moving on to the next thing. Enter Love with Food. My dilemma was solved! Small portions of unique and healthy snacks delivered to me once a month like a gift?? Where do I sign?
LWF: “What do you love most about your monthly box and why?”
KG: “I look forward to the day that red box arrives each month. It really is like opening a gift, because I don’t know what’s inside. It’s just so fun to sit down and nibble my way through it. Yes, there have absolutely been months that I’ve enjoyed the box in one sitting (gasp!)”
(Disclaimer: We fully support eating your way through a Love With Food box all by yourself.)
LWF: “What do you think of Love With Food’s social mission to help feed hungry kids?”
KG: I’d love to say that the social mission is the first reason why I subscribed, but first and foremost, it was the promise of deliciousness. However, I love the fact that something I would have bought anyway is helping feed hungry kids. To have hit the Million Meal mark in such a short period is such a testament to what a great company Love With Food is. I’m glad to be a part of it.
LWF: “What would you say to people who are considering signing up for Love With Food?”
KG: If you love food and enjoy healthy unique snacks this is a great way to give yourself a monthly treat while helping out those small producers who are leading the change in the food industry. Plus it’s fun!
LWF: “What’s your favorite snack that you’ve received in your Love With Food box?”
KG: Oh my gosh, there are so many! I’d have to say Pretzo Chang-o Squares by Jer’s Chocolate. I’m not normally a “sweets” person, but these are sooo good! Other favorites are Bak Kwa from Little Red Dot Kitchen, Lord Nut Levington’s Bloody Mary Peanuts and Dancing Deer Rosemary and Pink Sea Salt cookies.
LWF: “Anything else you’d like to add about your Love With Food experience?”
KG: I think the founder Aihui’s story is really inspiring and I am excited to support a company that is local to me. I appreciate the way the company is evolving including recently LOWERING prices. I mean, who does that?!? I expect to be a Love With Food subscriber for a very long time.
Thanks so much again to Kim and all of our foodie adventurers who have supported us in this incredible journey! We love you all, and we can’t wait to hit two million meals with all of you!
Want to get in on your own foodie adventure? Sign up today! Already getting a box? Tell a friend!