Let’s face it - sometimes, after a long day of work or running around after kids, you just don’t feel like working out. It’s human. But exercise is a critical part of keeping up a healthy lifestyle, so what do you do? Turns out there are plenty of simple ways to get in a little extra exercise throughout your daily routine - without having to buy expensive workout clothes or pay crazy gym fees. Here’s how to get more exercise into every day!
Flickr user Fit Approach
1. Use Your Kitchen Counter For Push-Ups
Sound weird? It works. When you’re cooking dinner or even waiting for your lunch to microwave at the office, use the kitchen counter to squeeze in a few vertical push-ups. It might seem small, but if you do it consistently it adds up!
2. Take The Stairs During Breaks
Elevators are a great invention. However, using them to go up one or two floors eliminates your chance to get in some serious cardio, especially if you work in an office and leave a few times a day for lunch or breaks. So skip the elevator next time…and the next time. Soon it’ll become a habit.
3. Use Bags Instead Of A Shopping Cart
This one works if you’re not toting a kiddo. Next time you head to the store for a quick grocery run, carry them in bags in each hand instead of pushing a cart. It’ll give your arms a workout while getting an errand done. Win-win!
4. Turn Your Coffee Break Into A Coffee Walk
Do you plan coffee breaks at work to gossip and catch up with coworkers - or maybe a weekly meetup with a few of your friends at Starbucks? Turn it into a walk instead. Since you’ll be having fun catching up it won’t even seem like exercise, and it’ll start to pay off fast.
5. Park A Little Farther Away
Seems simple, but it can make a big difference. Instead of parking as close to the store, office building or anywhere else you’re driving to, park a block or two away and use the distance to get some extra steps in.
6. Add 10 Minutes Of Sit-Ups At The Beginning And End Of The Day
Sit-ups aren’t exactly…fun. But Adding 1o minutes in during your morning and evening routine can add up fast without seeming like a huge commitment. Get your roommate or significant other to do them with you!
Do you have any other tips on how to get more exercise into your daily routine? Tell us in the comments below!
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The activities will give you more force, will permit you to play in safe grounds and regardless of whether you need to give an edge to it you can do that too simply remembering it, simply understanding the business is essential.
Good advice. In the current situation, I work from home, and in the afternoon I ride my bike to the park.
As we know one important factor that is exercise yes we all know that is really need to do exercise for fitness in a body we should take sometime for doing exercise. Because it activates all the hormones in a body.