We all get them. Sometimes you just NEED something sweet. Other times you can’t think about anything else except a salty snack. You think you’re just hungry, but there’s more to it than that. Some cravings are actually your body trying to tell you it needs something specific. Here’s what those crazy food cravings really mean.
1. If You’re Craving Sweets:
Flickr user Gret Sher
As far as food cravings go, this one is big. And sure, you might just be wanting that brownie because it looks good - but you might be craving sugar because your body actually needs sugar. When your blood sugar is down (it’s probably been a while since you ate), your body responds by making you want the thing that will balance it out.
The solution? Skip the fatty sweets like baked goods or candy and opt for some fruit instead.
2. If You’re Craving Carbs:
Flickr user vanz
BREAD. Sorry, that just slipped out. Carbs are another one of the common food cravings, and while sometimes it might be because they’re more of a comfort food, it’s likely to be your body again asking for more blood sugar. Carbs are made up of starches, which are turned into sugar anyway.
The solution: Try some fresh fruit instead - it’s all good sugar.
3. If You’re Craving Salty Foods:
Flickr user lovelihood
Ladies, you probably immediately thought of a reason why you’d crave salty snacks. And while being pre-menstrual is definitely a likely culprit, it also might be dehydration. Thirst and hunger go hand in hand, and your body telling you to eat something salty is likely to motivate you to go drink water.
The solution: Try chugging some water first.
4. If You’re Craving Meat:
Flickr user ohallmann
This one is a bit more obvious - craving meat likely means that you need some sort of protein, but it could also mean that you need more iron, which is also found in meat.
The solution: Try something like chickpeas to see if your protein cravings are quelled - otherwise you might need to whip up a burger.
5. If You’re Craving Cheese:
Flickr user ShardsOfBlue
Um…you’re a person? Lol no. If you’re craving cheese, you might actually be craving sugar - while cheese isn’t a starch like carbs, the milk in it doesn’t have sugar. There’s a chance you might just also be eating too little, and your body is telling you that it needs more fat and calories in your diet to be satisfied.
The solution: Go back to those fruits to quell your sugar cravings. If you’re still willing to kill someone for mac and cheese after that, try one of these healthy fats.
6. If You’re Craving Caffeine:
Flickr user Moyan_Brenn
…you might be tired. Obviously. But needing caffeine to wake up is actually more due to the fact that caffeine is technically addicting. Craving your go-to caffeinated drink simply because you want the taste might be an indicator of dehydration.
The solution: Try some water first!
What do you do when the food cravings hit? Tell us in the comments below!