In the Kitchen Archive
We’re all trained to be afraid of “fatty foods,” right? Fat is bad. Fat makes you fat. But in reality there are plenty of foods out there that are high in fat but still nutritious. It’s all about the kind …
You know how it is. You resolve to be good and then turn around and somehow it’s 9 pm and you’re halfway through a pint of Ben and Jerry’s. It happens. Schedules get busy. You’re crazy busy with work or getting the kids …
Everyone’s got one. That one recipe that is just tricky enough to make even the most fearless cooks balk. That one recipe that you avoid getting suckered into making, even if you love it. There’s no shame. Especially since when …
What’s better than a good old-fashioned PB&J sandwich? How about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich made into a smoothie? We thought so. We’ve got just the recipe, using the Hubs salted Virginia peanuts included in the October 2015 gluten-free box. Just toss …
Don’t get us wrong - kale is great for you. We all know it. It’s a superfood, after all. But let’s face it, some of us are getting over the craze. If you’re getting over the flavor itself but not necessarily …
Chocolate is central to so many good things - especially chocolate candy. It’s what motivates people to turn all your favorite childhood memories into “sexy” costumes on Halloween, and why we claim that our diet will “definitely” start after the holidays. Now, …
When fall rolls around, it seems like the pumpkin recipes start to pop up everywhere you look. Don’t panic—Love With Food is here with a super simple pumpkin ice cream recipe (with no ice cream maker needed, seriously!) for the most …
At Love With Food we think potstickers are delicious just about anytime—and gfJules‘ recipe for making them gluten-free (using the San-J Gluten-Free Organic Tamari Soy Sauce that our subscribers got a sample of in the September 2015 gluten-free box) will …
We asked (or tricked?) 8 unsuspecting guys to do a blind taste test of a few types of name brand chocolate chip cookies - and one homemade with gfJules’ Original Cookie Mix - and asked them which one they liked …
1. Fruit Sure, everyone knows fresh fruit is delicious and great for you, but as far as bringing along for snacks it’s less than ideal. Try these Banana Chips by Fruitival instead and have your favorite fruits with you all …