1. Twinkies will last through the apocalypse.
First things first: “Zombieland” is a fantastic movie.
And while it’s debatable how close we are to a zombie apocalypse, what isn’t debatable is that Twinkies do not last forever. Tallahassee was right to be so intent on finding them ASAP. They’ll go bad after about 45 days.
2. When you crave a food, it means your body needs the nutrients in that food.
Tell me, when was the last time you craved turnips? You crave a food because you want it. Cravings are caused by external factors like stress and other emotions making you want to have the foods that you like. So sure, sometimes you might just really feel like fruit. But that doesn’t mean you’re lacking those vitamins.
3. “Beer Before Liquor, Never Sicker”
If only there was a golden rule for never getting sick from booze. The order of your drinks doesn’t matter, the total amount of alcohol you drink does. Sorry friends.
4. Carrots improve your eyesight.
Beta-carotene (found in high quantities in carrots) is converted to Vitamin A in the body, which helps maintain eyesight in low levels of light. Not getting enough Vitamin A can be detrimental to your sight (and in severe cases can even lead to blindness), but eating a whole lot of it won’t give you X-Men level eyesight.
5. Drinking more water means more weight loss.
Water is an important part of a health-conscious lifestyle, no question. But consuming crazy amounts of water won’t make the pounds melt off-unless you’re drinking water in place of actually eating food. Which is not a good idea anyway. You need food.
6. You’ve got five seconds after dropping a food before germs get to it.
This is unfortunately very much not true. Germs start gathering on food dropped on the ground immediately, so a good rule of thumb is if it falls on the ground…get another one.
7. Eating after 9 p.m. will make you gain weight.
Gorging on M&Ms while marathoning Game of Thrones until 2 a.m. will most likely lead to gaining weight, it’s true. But that’s because you’re eating candy. A good-for-you snack like fruit, nuts or cottage cheese won’t ruin your good eating behavior. Just don’t go crazy.
What other crazy food myths have you heard? Tell us in the comments below!