Tomorrow marks one of the most important holidays man has ever recognized: National Chocolate Day. Don’t believe it’s that big of a deal? These 15 reasons to celebrate might change your mind.
1. This chocolate cake that’s just here whenever you want it. It knows you’ll always come back.
Flickr user
Inspired? Try this recipe.
2. These brownies that will make you feel like you’ve never tasted chocolate before now.
Flickr user bloggyboulga
Try these to get your fix.
3. These donuts that redefine the meaning of the word pastry.
Flickr user Tim Pierce
You want some, right? Try these.
4. These peanut butter cups that have nothing to prove.
Flickr user jules:stonesoup
Check out our handy guide to making copycat candy bars (including peanut butter cups) here!
5. This cheesecake that knows it’s about to ruin you for life and doesn’t care.
Flickr user ginnerobot
Try this one and worship it forever.
6. This hot fudge that would probably taste good on cardboard, but really should be drizzled on ice cream. Why? We’ll show you why.
Tomorrow is #NATIONALCHOCOLATEDAY!! And here is an EASY 2-STEP to get you ready!!! #lovewithfoodWHATS YOUR FAVORITE CHOCOLATE RECIPE?! Please share below!
Posted by Love With Food on Tuesday, October 27, 2015
7. This hot chocolate that proves it isn’t just alcohol that can be liquid comfort.
Flickr user noniatari
Make this one and fall in love with fall all over again.
8. These chocolate chip cookies that would make your grandmother cry.
Flickr user timlewisnm
Seriously. Tears. Just make these and see.
9. These chocolate cupcakes that are the real key to getting people to come to your birthday party.
Flickr user charly-marion
Or, you know, half-birthday. Or almost 3 months until your birthday. Whatever, just make these.
10. This fudge that is disappearing bit by bit, although you have no idea how, promise.
Flickr user Joelk75
Try not eating this whole pan.
11. This chocolate gelato that is no “eat and walk” treat. You have to sit and savor it.
Flickr user jlodder
Turn your obsession into a fancy obsession with this recipe.
12. These croissants that will instantly transport you to the City of Light.
Flickr user Darwin Bell
Whip these up (in 20 minutes, seriously) and you might as well be walking in the rain along the Champs-Elysees.
13. This mole sauce that makes it perfectly acceptable to have chocolate for dinner.
Flickr user ismael villfranco
If chocolate 24/7 is wrong, then I don’t want to be right. Except this is very, very right.
14. This mousse that is basically chocolate if it were a hug.
Flickr user smoorenburg
It’s happiness in a bowl. Trust me, this‘ll prove it.
15. This fondue that knows you don’t actually need to invite people over to have a reason to dip stuff in melted chocolate. Don’t try to be coy.
Flickr user Denis Dervisevic
The easiest recipe for an epic chocolate dish out there. Chocolate + milk + heat = heaven.
Why are you celebrating National Chocolate Day? Tell us in the comments below!