1. When people start talking about their travel plans:
I’m ready. Bring on the red-eye flights and crowded security lines because Turkey Day is almost here y’all.
2. When cans of pumpkin start getting crazy discounts at the grocery store:
Don’t worry, I’ll get it into every dish somehow.
3. When your mom asks you whether you want stuffing this year:
Can I get own own pan of it?
4. When you start seeing ads on TV about “getting together with family”:
I just want you all to know how much you mean to me okay.
5. When you start that recipes folder on your computer:
I should just eat like this all year round.
6. When you start seeing turkey decorations:
Of course I’ll save it for next year.
7. When you remember mashed potatoes:
The best part tbh.
8. When you remember pie:
The other best part tbh.
9. When you remember that you get a long weekend:
10. When you remember that Thanksgiving means crazy sales the next day:
You have no idea the lengths I will go to for saving.
Why else are you excited to have a Happy Thanksgiving? Tell us in the comments below! And don’t forget about our Black Friday sale, starting November 25!