snacking Archive
#LOVEWITHFOOD JANUARY TWITTER PARTY THURS 1/21 5-6 PM PST! Our first Twitter Party of 2016 is fast approaching, which means NOW is the time to enter to win some fantastic Early Bird prizes! Enter the Gleam giveaway by 3 p.m. …
Sure, a lot of people resolve to eat better every New Year’s, but sometimes it’s tough to keep up with them when you get back into your hectic daily schedule. We feel you. We’ve come up with just a few …
1. When your mother asks why you’re dieting because “you’re beautiful just the way you are”: Thanks Mom. I’ll file that under “Totally Objective Helpful Third-Party Comments.” 2. When your friend who never gains weight ever says they tried dieting but it was …
1. Scoping out the perfect bite in the office kitchen: Come 3 pm and you’re mine. 2. Trying to decide if you’re actually hungry or just want to eat: I think…both? Both. Both is good. 3. When …
We’ve all been there. You get to about 3 PM and suddenly that uncomfortable desk chair starts to feel like a soft blanket and you just can’t keep your eyes open. Never fear—nosh on these naturally high energy snacks and …