Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Foods and Ingredient List

Amie ValponeArticle by guest blogger. Amie Valpone, HHC, AADP is a Manhattan based Culinary Marketing Consultant and author of The Healthy Apple with a passion for Gluten-Free cooking, baking, and healthy living in the Big Apple of Manhattan. Amie’s goal is to make nourishing food effortless and enjoyable so you can learn to eat well and feel energized and healthy. She created The Healthy Apple as a platform to reach others wanting to learn more about nutritious ingredients and clean eating. As a culinary nutritionist, educator and motivational speaker, Amie is devoted to teaching people how to make smart, healthy choices. Follow Amie on Love With Food here.

Avoiding dairy and gluten, the protein found in wheat as well as grains rye and barley can be a challenge, but there’s no need to dismiss your favorite foods. If you suffer from lactose intolerance or have a milk allergy you can consume many other calcium rich foods such as tofu, dark leafy greens, molasses, salmon and sardines. Moreover, if you suffer from gluten intolerance or Celiac disease, you can build your diet from vegetables, rice, corn, legumes, fruit and other tasty gluten-free foods.

Gluten Free Dairy Free Vegetables, Fruits, Seeds and NutsVegetables, Fruits, Seeds and Nuts
All fresh vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts are gluten and dairy-free. Be aware of packaged, processed vegetables and fruits such as jellies, preserves, soups, nut butters and processed, pre-made meals, which may contain dairy or gluten. You can easily prepare homemade soups, salsa, smoothies, dressings, marinades, parfaits, casseroles, salads, chutneys and nut or seed butters using fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts in their natural state.

Green, leafy veggies such as kale, collards, chard and spinach are great options steamed as a side dish or tossed into a green smoothie. Hearty veggies such as carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, squashes, eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower and legumes are perfect for making chili or stew, while artichokes, avocado, asparagus, celery, Brussels sprouts, corn, peas and peppers are tasty in a stir-fry or stuffing.

As for fruits: apples, oranges, grapefruit, berries, melons, bananas, pears and peaches are a flavorsome addition to smoothies, desserts or parfaits with yogurt and nuts. Try freezing grapes for a satisfying, refreshing treat and create a homemade trail mix using nuts, seeds and dried fruit for a convenient snack. Looking for flavor? Fresh herbs add a powerful aroma and zesty taste to any dish; toss rosemary into marinades or cilantro into gazpacho.

Gluten Free Diary Free Tofu, Seafood, Poultry and MeatTofu, Seafood, Poultry and Meat
Tofu, fish, poultry, polenta, tempeh and red meat are dairy and gluten-free, however, be sure to read the ingredient list for processed meats such as luncheon meats, breaded variations and sausage, which may contain traces of dairy or gluten. Enjoy any of the following in their natural state: chicken, beef, bison, ham, turkey, seafood, lamb, fish and wild game.

Gluten free diary free Flours and GrainsFlours and Grains
All forms of wheat, barley and rye contain gluten; however, there is a vast array of naturally gluten-free flours available, which are created from beans, seeds or nuts. Oats are naturally gluten and dairy-free, however, cross-contamination may occur during processing, therefore purchase oats with the certified gluten-free label. The following gluten and dairy-free flours and grains can be enjoyed guilt-free: rice, buckwheat, teff, corn flour, corn meal, lentils, flax seed, potato, polenta, millet, soy flour, tapioca, quinoa, amaranth, almond meal, arrowroot and gluten-free flour blends. These dairy and gluten-free options require easy prep and can be used to create a hot breakfast, casserole, stir-fry or dessert. If you have trouble adjusting to dairy and gluten-free varieties, try adding fruit puree such as canned pumpkin or prune to moisten and add flavor.

As a rule of thumb, steer clear of processed foods and reach for foods as close to the original source as possible. Using fresh ingredients rather than pre-made, processed options is a safe way to ensure a dairy and gluten-free lifestyle. Preparing your meals at home will ensure there is no cross-contamination with dairy and gluten.

Gluten-Free Recipes Created by Amie
Amie is also a member of Love With Food. You can follow all her gluten-free and diary-free recipes here. Click on image below to get recipe.

Love With Food - Grapefruit Cilantro Guacamole

Grapefruit Cilantro Guacamole

Also Read: 10 Tips for an Easy Gluten-Free Lifestyle

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