Our Urban Vegetable Garden is Growing Lots of Tomatoes

Last month, we showed you how easy it was to setup an urban vegetable garden. We pushed our Topsy Turvy planter to its limits by planting 11 plants in a 15 x 15 inch pot. It’s been 2 months, here’s our progress.

We are proud to report all 11 plants are alive and thriving! All 3 types of tomato plants, 2 basil, 1 red chili, 1 yellow bell pepper, 1 cilantro, 1 rosemary and 2 marigolds are doing well. In fact. they are doing so well that we had to harvest some of the basil and cilantro to make room for growth. Our tomato plants are bearing lots of fruits and some are already turning red! At this rate, we can make lots of homemade roasted tomato sauce to feed the whole neighborhood!

topsy turvey tomato plantertopsy turvy tomato planter

topsy turvey tomato plantertopsy turvy tomato planter

Food We Made from our Edible Garden:

Basil Pesto, Pesto Lasagna, Cilantro Mayo and Cilantro Flat Breads

love with food basil pestolove with food basil pesto lasagnalove with food cilantro mayolove with food cilantro flatbread

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    I joined recently, and didn’t see the article of how to plant this. Can you please forward it to me?

    Thank you.

  • [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Love With Food, Rebecca Wall. Rebecca Wall said: Our Urban Vegetable Garden is Growing Lots of Tomatoes http://bit.ly/aVYLIZ [...]

  • Nice pics! As an added benefit, the upside down planter makes for a hell of a great conversation starter and it seems to serve rather competent double duty as a piece of outdoor decor too.

  • Hi Elinor,

    This was the article on how we got started with the topsy turvery planter. Basically,
    1) 1 bag of soil
    2) 11 plants (up to you to choose, but we planted basil on top)
    3) 1 bottle of vegetable fertilizer
    4) Fill the pot with some soil. Insert plants through the holes. There are 7 holes. The holes with foam are for tomatoes.
    5) Fill the pot gently with soil. Do not pour bag of soil directly into pot. Then plant whatever you want on the top of the pot.
    6) We have a tray at the bottom to capture the water that drips out when you water.


    Hope this is helpful! Happy Gardening!

  • What a great planting combo for summer!

  • Looks soo delicious! Great pictures

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