12 Reasons Why You Should Never Eat Peanut Butter Again



1. Let’s face it. Peanut butter is just gross.


Flickr user starsandspirals

Just take it away.


2. You can’t make anything with it that tastes good. Ugh.


Flickr user imcountingufoz

Nothing. Not one thing.


3. And PB&J? Just no. Look at that. Who eats that?


Flickr user jeffreyw


For the record, this Peanut Butter & Jelly Bar by Kutoa is definitely NOT delicious.


4. Could there BE a worse flavor combination than peanut butter and chocolate?


Flickr user Rhys A.

It’s all just a sinister plot by Reese’s.


5. And you can’t even make any regular meals with it, either. Talk about useless.


Flickr user neil conway

Versatility thy name is not peanut butter.


6. It’s the opposite of comfort food, clearly.


Flickr user schwenkenstein01

Who would want to snuggle up with a cup of tea and a plate of these…maybe it’s raining outside…and you have a good book…yuck.


7. And you can’t even dress it up. It’s food for peasants.


Flickr user Korona Lacasse

Just sad.


8. Not to mention it’s bad for you. Like, really bad. No nutritional value here.


Especially this Peanut Butter N’ Honey Energy Bar by Honey Stinger. 23 vitamins and minerals and 5 grams of protein? Yeah, whatever.


9. And it never changes. It’s always the same plain thing.


Flickr user truds09

Chocolate coconut? Sesame cranberry? Puh-lease.


10. And if you’re gluten-free? Sorry, you’re out of luck.


Flickr user my.crewel.world

Peanut butter don’t care.


11. Same for vegans. Too bad.


Flickr user Veganbaking.net

It’s basically just flipping you off all the time.


12. So in conclusion, you should all just get rid of your peanut butter. You know what, just give it to me. I’ll…take care of it.


Flickr user Stacy Spensley

…no but really tho. Give it.


Why do you hate (read: love) about peanut butter? Tell us in the comments below!

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