8 Things All Parents Of Picky Eaters Understand



1. When you ask your kids “what sounds good for dinner tonight?”




2. After you tell them they can’t possibly hate something when they’ve NEVER had it before:


It just doesn’t make sense…


3. When you ask what they want if they don’t want the food you made:


Keep dreaming, honey.


4. After you say that they loved the dish you made tonight when you made it last week:


What…what changed? It’s only been a week!


5. After you say they can’t just have mac and cheese every night:


Uh-huh, keep talking. My house, my rules, kid.


6. How you feel when you sneak something healthy into their food and they don’t notice:


Lol so you like that snack bar, huh? Guess what? It’s a Green Superfood Sweet and Savory Almond Energy Bar and you just ate SPINACH SON!


7. The feeling when you find a new snack for after school that’s good for them and delicious:


Just give me the Parent of the Year Award now. I’d like to thank everyone who always supported me and the Kids’ Organic Sour Citrus Chews by Honey Stinger.


8. And when the busy day is over and you finally get a moment to yourself:


You deserve it. Have a Lemon Almond Biscotti by Biscotti di Suzy and relax.


What’s it like for you as a parent of a picky eater? Tell us in the comments below!

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