Mug Life: Microwave Chilaquiles!



Ever wished your microwave could make something more interesting than bland popcorn or boring Hot Pockets at snacktime? It can! We proved it by whipping up these delicious chilaquiles in just a few minutes using this super-simple recipe.


1 egg

1 tablespoon milk


Ground black pepper

1 tablespoon sharp cheddar cheese

5 tortilla chips, divided (We used Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips by Food Should Taste Good)

1 tablespoon salsa

Sour cream

Chopped green onion

1. Beat egg and milk in a coffee cup and add some salt and pepper to taste. Add the cheddar and stir together. Break 3 or 4 chips into small pieces to fit in the cup and stir into the mixture, and add the salsa.

2. Microwave on high until done, about 1 minute 10 seconds. Sprinkle with the remaining chips, sour cream, and green onion and enjoy!



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